The Portland Association is a community organisation focused on the environment, ecology, and heritage of the Isle of Portland, Dorset. We aim to preserve and enhance and celebrate the best of Portland’s character and help foster good planning and conservation to safeguard our unique environment.

The Committee includes our Chair Joe Borez, our Vice-Chair Ian Baird, Treasurer Dave Warren and Secretary Debbie Tulett

How to join: the Portland Association is free to join, and is open anyone who has an interest in or fondness for Portland island. Contact the association secretary for more details:

Contact details:
Correspondence address: 20 Killicks Hill, Portland DR5 1JW

Facebook group:
The Portland Association

Waste Incinerator Planning Application Opposition Project affiliation:
Email JACI Project:
Facebook group: JCAI Project Jurassic Coast Against Incineration

Business coalition:
Coalition Against The Burner